We Offer Sources of Funding For Small Businesses
Generally as it relates to funding a Franchise purchase, many franchisees tend to look towards sources such as bank and credit union loans and even funding from government schemes and grants. While these funding sources are good and sometimes most reliable, they are not all that is out there. There are other sources that entrepreneurs can exploit when it comes to funding their franchise, or even funding any other business opportunity. In today’s economy entrepreneurs generally do not have the money to buy their franchises outright either and so funding is needed from different places.
One of the first of these unused sources of funding for small businesses is Franchise Funding. Many franchises can offer funding to finance the sale of a franchise. With the way the economy is, it is normal for a franchise to finance part of the sale of a new franchise to a franchisee. This does not only apply to franchises, many business transactions involving the sale of a whole business sometimes is finance partly through seller financing. Franchises and other businesses that are not willing to accept this type of funding are normally finding it a bit difficult to sell their businesses or franchises. This is a good way to generate funding and everyone should be using it once it is available.
Peer to peer lending networks are also a viable way to generate funding for purchasing a franchise. This is especially useful if an individual is unable to get funding from the typical sources such as banks and credit unions. These networks eliminate some of the barriers to lending imposed by these lending institutions. What it does is allow the individuals to lend money to one another directly, usually at an interest rate. This can generally be done online, so interested individuals can do a search online to find some of these platforms that allows this.
One of the other sources of funding that is not used as frequently is that of getting funding from family and friends. Many individuals are normally reluctant to ask for money from families and friends for fear of losing the money or not wanting to be liable to anyone. Generally entrepreneurs are more comfortable risking the money of banks and credit unions and not wanting to risk the hard earned money of parents and or siblings, however they are a good source of funding when wanting to buy a franchise.
There are other sources that are not used such as retirement savings plans and other type of tax benefits that can be used for financing the purchase of a franchise. In today’s economic landscape funding institutions are holding on to their money, they are very skeptical as to who they give money to. However despite all these, franchisees and entrepreneurs do not have to limit themselves to these traditional sources of funding such as the banks. All these sources mentioned above are not normally the first go -to sources for franchisees and entrepreneurs; however they are viable sources of funding for small businesses that should definitely be exploited.
Contact us to Learn About Our Sources of Funding For Small Businesses.